我們聚會的安排強調「禱告與 神的道並重」,如同平衡天平的兩端。
因為啟示錄中記載:「另有一位天使,拿著金香爐來,站在祭壇旁邊。有許多香賜給他,要和眾聖徒的祈禱一同獻在寶座前的金壇上。那香的煙和眾聖徒的祈禱,從天使的手中一同升到神面前 (8:3-4)。」
神百姓的禱告是達到 神面前的!詩篇又說:「行為完全、遵行耶和華律法的,這人便為有福!遵守他的法度、一心尋求他的,這人便為有福!這人不做非義的事,但遵行他的道。少年人用什麼潔淨他的行為呢﹖是要遵行你的話!我將你的話藏在心裡,免得我得罪你 (119:1-3、9、11)。」 神的話是信實,我們定意遵行不悔。
每一場聚會,都是對這位坐在至高寶座 神的敬拜與讚美,獻上我們的真心,願榮耀、再榮耀永活全能的 神!
聚會時間與地點 |
星期 |
時 間 |
地 點 |
聚會名稱 |
日 |
上午09:00起 |
大 堂 |
門徒大學A班 |
上午10:00起 |
主日崇拜 |
上午10:00起 |
B103室 |
撒母耳(兒童)學校 |
中午12:30起 |
副 堂 |
但以理(少年)團契 |
三 |
晚間07:30起 |
大 堂 |
查經禱告會 |
六 |
上午08:00起 |
大 堂 |
早安禱告會 |
上午09:00起 |
會議室 |
門徒訓練 B班 |
四~五 |
上午08:00~09:00 |
大 堂 |
遇見神晨禱 |
We emphasize prayer and God’s words in all of our services, meetings, and related activities.
The Lord had said that our prayers reach His glorious throne in Revelation:「Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel's hand (8:3、4).」
God also said in Psalm, that is:「Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart. They do nothing wrong; they walk in his ways. How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you (Psalm 119:1-3、9、11).」The Lord is faithful, and His words never fail. We are determined to follow His words.
All of church-related activities and services are occasions of offering worship and praise to this most high God, whose splendor fills the whole heaven and earth. We desire to glorify Him.
Time and Place |
Date |
Time |
Place |
Activities |
Sunday |
9:00 AM |
Major temple |
Disciple Training College A |
10:00AM |
Sunday Service |
10:30AM |
Room: B103 |
Samuel Sunday School (Children) |
12:30PM |
The second temple |
Daniel Fellowship (Teenager) |
Wednesday |
7:30PM |
Major temple |
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study |
Saturday |
8:00AM |
Major temple |
Early Morning Prayer |
9:00AM |
The second temple |
Disciple Training College B |
Thursday |
6:00AM |
Major temple |
Early Morning Date Prayer |